Nationwide Strength with Local Market Power and PRConsultants Group


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Volume PR is the sole appointed Colorado representative of PRConsultants Group (PRCG), a collaborative made up of senior-level PR experts. Members are small to mid-sized public relations and marketing agencies with long track-records of excellence, and covering every major market in the United States to give clients of PRCG firms access to “boots on the ground” anywhere and everywhere, without the typical expense necessary for such reach.

Know U.S. Markets Inside Out.

What builds buzz in Boston doesn’t necessarily do well in Dallas. PR firms in the PRCG network are able to optimize their client’s PR and communcation programs on a market-by-market basis more successfully. Don’t know what markets you’ll be targeting? No trouble. With PRCG firms you can successfully layer in local market engagements whenever the time is right.

Working together since 1992

PRCG had its beginnings in the early 1990s, as 7-Eleven began looking for public relations consultants in major markets to announce a major remodel of its stores and to help launch new products. PR professionals were chosen based on experience, knowledge of their markets and a positive, can-do attitude.
As additional PR consultants were added to serve new markets, and as clients recognized the value of tapping into an experienced, cohesive group of seasoned marketing and PR experts, it became apparent that this PR consortium was unusually effective. A history of collaborative effort, and the fact that the members knew and relied upon one another, made it an extremely successful model for national outreach. The logical next step was to formally organize PRCG in 2000 to reach out to additional clients.
PRCG differs from other expanded networks in that members work on projects together on a regular basis, and meet in person at least once a year at an annual conference. Members are invited to join the network based on their industry reputation, expertise, background and client work.
For more information, please visit, or check out Volume PR on PRCG here. (

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Picture of Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards is the founder of Volume PR, Engagement Science Lab, and creator of The Frequency of Understanding; an international movement to combining behavioral science and neuroscience with communication strategies to accelerate understanding and change.

About Elizabeth & Volume PR

Volume PR

Communication. Conversation. Conversion.