Volume PR Hosting Two Ragan Communication Workshops in February


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Greenwood Village, Colorado (Jan. 15) Volume PR, a leading strategic communications firm known for accelerating technology, B2B and consumer marketing, PR and integrated communication outcomes with behavioral science, is hosting two upcoming Ragan Communication workshops geared toward improving key skills among communication professionals.

The following upcoming workshops will be hosted at Volume PR’s headquarters in Greenwood Village located at 6312 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, suite 400:

Advanced Writing & Editing for the Influential Communicator (Feb. 6-7)

This 1.5-day workshop will cover how communicators can create and manage must-read content in today’s age of brand journalism. Cost for the workshops are $945 for Ragan members and $1,095 for non-members. Topics covered include the following:

  • Choose the right format for the right story
  • Write headlines and teasers readers can’t ignore
  • Tell stories in multiple formats to reach your audiences
  • Tie your communications—and editorial process—to your organization’s goals

Internal Communications Master Class (Feb. 16)

This one-day workshop will teach attendees how to audit internal communications, create a strategic communication plan and how to energize content. Cost for the workshops are $745 for Ragan members and $895 for non-members. Topics that will be covered during the workshop include:

  • Craft internal communications relevant to all internal audiences
  • Find and tell stories that cut through information clutter
  • Employee-generated content: Know its power in your communications plan
  • Ensure communications focus on goals that keep leaders awake at night
  • Master the tools to do an internal communications audit

To register for these workshops, visit www.ragan.com and click Events.

“We’re always proud to support the business community by hosting these informative workshops for our friends and colleagues,” said Elizabeth Edwards, president of Volume PR. “We’re looking forward to hosting two energetic and educational sessions.”

For more than three decades, Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc., has been the leading publisher of corporate communications, public relations, and leadership development newsletters. In addition to its newsletter division, Ragan produces several communications conferences, workshops, and senior-level forums throughout the United States. Ragan conferences draw more than 3,000 professionals annually and provide attendees with access to leading communicators, best practices, and rich networking opportunities.

About Volume PR

Volume Public Relations is an award-winning strategic communications firm known for accelerating marketing, PR and integrated communication outcomes with scientific precision. The Volume PR team creates more awareness, more customers and more results for its client by designing messages, strategies, brands and public relations campaigns that are rooted in the principles of behavioral and cognitive science. This practice has created an unmatched reputation for producing precision campaigns and outcomes over the last 15 years and was recently appointed to the Forbes Agency Council. Whether working as an equal partner to existing agency partners, providing senior strategic assistance to an in-house team or serving as your communication Agency of Record, Volume PR brings a scientific-based approach to every communication program. Executives at brands from BMW to Level3 Communications have trusted Volume’s strategy to drive guaranteed and unprecedented results for their organizations. Come get to know us at www.VolumePR.com. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Image Copyright: <a href=’https://www.123rf.com/profile_peshkov’>peshkov / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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Picture of Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards is the founder of Volume PR, Engagement Science Lab, and creator of The Frequency of Understanding; an international movement to combining behavioral science and neuroscience with communication strategies to accelerate understanding and change.

About Elizabeth & Volume PR

Volume PR

Communication. Conversation. Conversion.