Premier Telecommunications Company Selects Volume Public Relations as Agency of Record


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Tower Cloud’s 4G wireless backhaul networks are revolutionizing the wireless industry 

Denver, CO – A forerunner in the telecommuncations industry, Tower Cloud has appointed Volume Public Relations as its agency of record. Tower Cloud is dedicated to the provision of mobile backhaul services, referring to the transport of voice, video and data between a cell site and the wireless carrier.

“This is a dynamic time for the mobile service industry with the roll-out of 3G and 4G networks. Many of the backhaul networks in place today are outdated and the services Tower Cloud offers are a step ahead of the industry,” said CEO, Ronald Mudry.  “Volume Public Relations is a perfect fit for where we are today, and, more importantly, where we want to be tomorrow.”

Based in St. Petersburg, Florida, Tower Cloud’s innovative design delivers comprehensive SONet and Ethernet solutions by taken advantage of highly reliable fiber and licensed microwave technologies. Tower Cloud enables wireless carriers to raise the business performance and quality of their networks while reducing unit costs.

“We only work with organizations that are the ‘best of the best’ and Tower Cloud’s approach to 4G backhauls stands to revolutionize the telecommunications industry,” said Elizabeth Robinson, founder, president and CEO of VolumePR.

About VolumePR

Volume Public Relations’ one-of-a-kind approach infuses scientific precision into marketing and public relations programs. The firm has a rich 13-year history, serving clients worldwide to launch and promote products and brands with scientific precision. Volume PR’s proprietary system leverages cognitive science principles to elevate marketing communication and public relations results. Also unique to Volume PR, the agency offers its services to supplement existing PR programs with neuro-strategies and promotions, provides corporate communication team training packages to execute cognitive PR programs in-house, or stand-alone, comprehensive public relations services. An internationally renowned PR agency, serving clients worldwide from its Denver, Colorado headquarters, VolumePR offers a suite of solutions to partner with businesses of every size.

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Picture of Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards is the founder of Volume PR, Engagement Science Lab, and creator of The Frequency of Understanding; an international movement to combining behavioral science and neuroscience with communication strategies to accelerate understanding and change.

About Elizabeth & Volume PR

Volume PR

Communication. Conversation. Conversion.