The Alternative Board selects Volume Public Relations


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Small and medium business consulting offers peer-advisory boards to support business owners

Denver, CO – The Alternative Board (TAB), a leading international business consulting franchisee, has selected Volume Public Relations to build the organization’s position as a thought leader through strategic media relations.

“It’s unusual for us to find a partner that truly is in the game with us—we have noticed and appreciate VolumePR’s character and work,” said Jessica Lawton, senior marketing communication manager at TAB Boards International, Inc.

The Alternative Board is a business peer advisory group started in 1990 by Allen Fishman, author of 9 Elements of Family Business Success, which VolumePR quickly elevated to a Wall Street Journal bestseller, Fishman started TAB after a successful business career and years of writing the nationally syndicated column, “Business Success.”

“In this economic climate, it is imperative that medium-sized enterprises can turn to TAB for sound advice that can improve and expand their businesses,” said Elizabeth Edwards, founder, president & CEO of VolumePR. “It is exciting to work with an organization that meets such a crucial need for business owners.”

TAB offers strategic CEO counsel in a non-competitive setting for small and medium-sized business owners and executives. They have over 10,000 members throughout North and South America and the United Kingdom.

About VolumePR

Volume Public Relations’ one-of-a-kind approach infuses scientific precision into marketing and public relations programs. The firm has a rich 13-year history, serving clients worldwide to launch and promote products and brands with scientific precision. Volume PR’s proprietary system leverages cognitive science principles to elevate marketing communication and public relations results. Also unique to Volume PR, the agency offers its services to supplement existing PR programs with neuro-strategies and promotions, provides corporate communication team training packages to execute cognitive PR programs in-house, or stand-alone, comprehensive public relations services. An internationally renowned PR agency, serving clients worldwide from its Denver, Colorado headquarters, VolumePR offers a suite of solutions to partner with businesses of every size.

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Picture of Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards is the founder of Volume PR, Engagement Science Lab, and creator of The Frequency of Understanding; an international movement to combining behavioral science and neuroscience with communication strategies to accelerate understanding and change.

About Elizabeth & Volume PR

Volume PR

Communication. Conversation. Conversion.