Eco-Conscience Organization Designates Volume Public Relations to Lead Green Marketing Campaign


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 Sauce For A Cause integrates business savvy with a passion to better the world

Denver, CO – The partnership between Volume Public Relations and the considerate minds at Sauce For A Cause might be more perfectly matched than ketchup and french fries. Sauce For A Cause chose Volume Public Relations as their agency of record because of their history of strong results and their tenacious passion for helping others.

Sauce For A Cause is an eco-conscious start-up headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. They offer four delicious all natural, gluten-free, gourmet sauces in flexible bottles made from recyclable materials: Tangy Tangerine BBQ, Mango Mint, Not Your Traditional Ketchup, and Gourmet Mustard. As if these mouth-watering sauces weren’t enough, Sauce For A Cause makes their “true difference” by donating fifty–percent of sales proceeds towards an array of charitable causes that respond to human needs both locally and globally.

“While many businesses are driven solely towards fiscal rewards, Sauce For A Cause is a business that regards the highest rewards as those achieved through helping others,” says Sauce For A Cause founder, Alex Mitchell. “Volume Public Relations had excellent ideas regarding the needs of our business; but, more importantly, they recognized and savored our spirit of philanthropy.”
Charity events and marathons only happen a few times a year, but Sauce For A Cause offers a way to incorporate social responsibility into your daily life by making it easier than ever to give back. Sauce For A Cause proceeds benefits Life Straw, Friends of the World Food Program, Leave No Trace, Cancer, and Flight for Life Colorado.
Volume Public Relations is spearheading a green marketing campaign designed to emphasize social responsibility through an engaging social media strategy.
“The number of successful companies with business models based on bettering the world is growing exponentially,” said Elizabeth Robinson, president, founder and CEO of Volume Public Relations.  “Consumers are now looking for ways to give back without changing their daily routines. Sauce For A Cause, a company that views corporate social responsibility with 360 degree approach, is helping consumers to fulfill that mission.

About VolumePR

Volume Public Relations’ one-of-a-kind approach infuses scientific precision into marketing and public relations programs. The firm has a rich 13-year history, serving clients worldwide to launch and promote products and brands with scientific precision. Volume PR’s proprietary system leverages cognitive science principles to elevate marketing communication and public relations results. Also unique to Volume PR, the agency offers its services to supplement existing PR programs with neuro-strategies and promotions, provides corporate communication team training packages to execute cognitive PR programs in-house, or stand-alone, comprehensive public relations services. An internationally renowned PR agency, serving clients worldwide from its Denver, Colorado headquarters, VolumePR offers a suite of solutions to partner with businesses of every size.

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Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards is the founder of Volume PR, Engagement Science Lab, and creator of The Frequency of Understanding; an international movement to combining behavioral science and neuroscience with communication strategies to accelerate understanding and change.

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Volume PR

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